The location of the buckshot was deemed non-threatening, so the recommended course of action was based solely on the Spindle cell sarcoma.
The tumour was contained to the leg and the vet was confident that removal of the limb would be a long term solution.
Panic set in and I reached out online to find out more about three legged dogs and kept finding results for
A wealth of knowledge all from people sharing experiences of their own with people like me; Scared about what to do and not knowing whether it was the right thing or not.
The resource material available proved to be invaluable, in particular Three Legs and a Spare. After downloading a copy, I printed it and had it bound.
I kept it handy which allowed me to read at all hours of the day to make sure that if we opted for the surgery, it would be an easy transition for our faithful furry friend.
There seemed to be endless series of questions, but with Three Legs and a Spare in my possession, the answers were never far.

When the dust settled and sense prevailed, there was only one option, so a theatre was booked.
Ohhhhhhh….that’s such an OWWEEEEEE!
So glad you got rid of that thing! Even with that “thing”, Buddy is a beautiful and very handsome boy!!!! Sooo sweet!
Looking forward to next entry…….
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle
Oh Buddy, how brave and beautiful you were……my Polly lost her front right leg to an ugly tumor on the inside of her leg, not quite as large as this, but all these tumors are scary and ugly.
I will be checking in for your next post……love reading Buddy’s life story…..
Bonnie & Angel Polly