A new journey

We set out by advising the vet that we’d do everything we could to have as much time as possible with Buddy, but sometimes things don’t go your way.

We got off to a terrible start by commencing the diagnosis with an E.coli infection too.

Thankfully a week long course of antibiotics took care of that and that left us with the battle ahead to keep Buddy well.

Prescription food plus medication became the norm and out went a few of his favourite treats, but it was all for good reason.

After about a month, weight seemed to be falling off of him so we took him to the vet for a weigh in and check-up.

All seemed to be normal so we increased his food a little and continued on.

3 thoughts on “A new journey”

  1. Whoooah, what a challenge that infection was! I’m so glad Buddy overcame it. Was the infection the reason for the weight loss? Can’t wait to hear more!

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